Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tablets:The pros and cons of giving you the all in one entertainment

Tablets these days are making a huge noise especially on the market. Everyone is desiring to have one,or atleast one, for so many reasons. Despite of the reasons it is indeed that these gadgets gives us entertainment. Wi-Fi, music, video, games, e-book reader, camera, and high performance processors, graphics card and memory. If two or three of these superb features are missing then it is well concluded that your tablet can be outrun by other tablets in a matter of time.

Now let me give you the pros and cons of these Tablets.

1. Ease of communication. Aside from the texts and calls that the Tablets (just like the Samsung Tablets) can give there are also Wi-Fi that you can get and it makes you to connect easily on the internet and enables you to be online 24/7.

2. Very Handy. These things can be at your side anytime and anywhere especially when you are the type of person whose always on the go.

3. App Stores. I only know two companies who has their app stores on their tablets. The Apple for iPad  and Samsung for the Galaxy tab. It is very convenient to have an app store on your device because you don't have  to go on their local stores just to buy/download their games, music and other bi-products specified for your tab. It is like a virtual store right into your hands.

4. Entertainment. Yes. This thing can you save you from boredom. music, camera and especially games. I was surprised that even some of my hard core gamer friends are having fun and enjoying the games that they installed on their tabs. Even the games are just simple they are still an eye catcher on the gamers out there.


1.Non Up-gradable. Unlike the desktop computers this one can not be upgraded anymore once it is released on the market. Maybe now your tablet will be the most powerful one but sooner or later other tablet will outrun your tablet, that goes the same on the other tablets.

2. Graphics Card. Some tablets have a great processor inside them but sometimes they lack on the graphics card. We must remember that this card has a good role in order for the tablet to be a hit on the market. I don't say that the company makers of tablet should acquire the same level of graphics card as the desktop and laptop computer but what I am trying to say is that if the tablet has a low graphics card there might be a tendency that the tablet will cause a late response time on the user.

3. Distraction. During our summer class (which is very boring and depriving) most of my classmates often bring their tablets with them. They almost pay attention on their tabs the whole time rather than paying attention to our professor. We can not blame those kind of people because all we wanted is to have fun but it is better to do it on the right place and on the right time.

4. All in one. Like I said it is almost an all in one device. You have an MP3 player, Digital Camera, Cellphone, and a Computer all inside on that tablet. The dilemma is that just in case you accidentally lost it (hope not) you also lost  an MP3 player, Digital Camera, Cellphone, and a Computer.

Tablets are great. Someway, Somehow and Someday this gadget will be more fantastic than the ones that we have today. But as of today if you are really sure on investing to this stuff  make sure to know the pros and cons of this gadget.


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